Ianto Evans gives his popular waterfall tour for the crew of the documentary “Fall and Winter.” Photo: Matt Anderson
Ianto Evans is an applied ecologist, landscape architect, inventor, writer, and teacher, with building experience on six continents. He teaches ecological building and has consulted to USAID, World Bank, US Peace Corps, and several foreign governments on improved cookstoves, fuel supplies, and kitchen technology.
Ianto developed the Lorena Stove in Guatemala in the 1970s—the first really successful widespread do-it-yourself cookstove. He is a founder of Aprovecho Institute, Cob Cottage Company, The Natural Building Colloquium, and the North American School of Natural Building, where he teaches weekend Rocket Mass Heater workshops.
Leslie Jackson produced a DIY ’zine in 1991 called “Pros and Cons: A ’lit ’zine for Penned Pens.” In the true spirit of punk ’zines, she stole company time on her employer Melvin Belli’s computer and printed in his law firm’s copy room after hours. With this ’zine in hand—and thanks in no small part to Jay Baldwin—she got to cut her teeth at Whole Earth Review magazine. Leslie’s writing has appeared in Home Power magazine, Home Energy magazine (where she was also Assistant Editor), Permaculture Activist, and No Regrets Remodeling. Leslie is in a Body Music troupe called MoToR, plays ethnic traditional music, and dances at the crossroads of high- and low-tech in Oakland, California. Her personal website is here: www.mudfest.net.